Happy New Year!!!


//When you realize Donald Trump is president

Oh…k never mind we’re all doomed…


Wow I can’t believe it’s already 2k17!

It feels like time went by really fast…

This brings me back the time when I was in fourth grade. I still remember thinking about the future and how far 2k16 seemed to me, and now its already 2k17!

So many years have passed @-@.

(I say it like I’m already 50 xD)

And I’m still the same ol’ me.

(At least I think ~.~)

Earlier, I saw people in my neighborhood trying to blast mini fireworks and stuff so me and my sister decided to go outside and watch for a while.

It got cold so we went back inside…

I decided I’m going to stay up till 2 am today :’)

(It’s 12:45 am for me right now by the way)


A new year, A NEW ME!! Time to be super mean and hateful to everyone AHAHAHA!

Nah just kidding, that would be funny though…


Anyways, Happy New Years! I hope everyone is either spending time with their family/friends, watching fireworks, or asleep.







Thinking of New Years Resolutions…

So as we all know, New Years is coming up! (Woot woot!)

I just realized how short this year was… One whole year of my life is gone!

Forever… (Dun Dun DUNNN)

Anyways, this year I decided I’m acutally going to make New Years resolutions!

I can think of a couple of places I should start with…

I made a *TOTALLY ORGANIZED* list *that I DID NOT JUST COME UP WITH ON THE SPOT WHILE WRITING THIS* for my resolutions (heh…) –

1. Focus more on my studies.

Since I’m pretty sure everyone is on winter break, that means a semester of school must have ended for everyone too (almost everyone?). This semester, well I guess last semester, I got Bs on two subjects! (GAAASPPP) They were like high Bs but still Bs….I got my grade up on one of the subjects (history), and my final grade for the semester for history was a low A. But not for the the other…And it just HAD to be MATH. Arg… You know I used to love math. It was my favorite subject in school… Up untill this year of math… It just got confusing and I just started having thoughts like “When will I EVER need to know this?!” And yeah… Plus, my math teacher doesn’t even explain the stuff we are supposed to be learning that well. This is all we do:

1) Go in class

2) Get the homework from last night out and turn it in

3) Get a big packet of fill in the blank notes out (that we got in the beginning of the week)

3) Take notes

4) Get a packet of homework for that day

5) Next period

And that’s basically it! @-@

I don’t like sitting on a desk taking notes everyday, it gets tiring. And because of that I think I sorta started slacking.

So that’s why this year I’ma forget about my whining and try to pay more attention in class, study more for big tests, and NOT try to wait till the last day to turn in projects and major assignments.

2. Start being more active.

I’m probably on the top ten list of the most laziest people in the world by now. THATS how lazy I am. I can’t even get up to get a cup of water without making my sister do it! On school breaks or weekends, I wake up at past noon and have to skip breakfast. I feel like my life is literally on my bed… And that needs to stop. I don’t know how many days it’s been since I’ve been outside…or taken a shower… That’s why I probably smell like a dead bush right now… I feel like my daily schedule is on the internet either watching on YouTube, texting, or reading (plus food).  All online… (Except for food…hm well I do like watching food online). I’ve slackin off on a bunch of things too. Things I want to do and learn and stuff. The point is, I know that living in your room all day is not healthy for you and I need to stop this before I turn into a 1000 pound Godzilla.

3. Help out my parents more.

Like I’ve said, I’ve been extremely lazy lately, and I need to start helping out around the house more too.

4. Learn more Korean.

I’ve wanted to do this for a while now, but AGAIN I keep slackin off. I hardly know half the alphabet, I suck that much… I’ve been trying to tell my self that I need to learn, but then when I go on to YouTube to try to find videos on it and stuff, I get pulled into the OTHER side of YouTube… And eventually it’s midnight and I’m like: “Wha?! How’d I get here…


5. Being more active online.

I know I said I live my whole life online and should STOP going online this much, but what I  mean by “be more active online” is that I should actually POST something and UPLOAD something instead of just thinking “Hmm…Should I post something?! Nahh…”. I feel like I’ve been slacking off of posting and uploading things BEACUSE I’m online all the time xD. I don’t know if that makes cents…

( or dollars 😏)

6. Try to buy more K-Pop merch. because why not?


So far, that is all I have for my New Years Resolutions. The main thing I should focus on is not being so lazy…

What are your resolutions for next year? You should start thinking because the new year is almost here…

(Did that rhyme?! Woah!)
(That felt awkward talking in second person)


Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas guys! Hope you’re all having a great time with your family and friends. And if you don’t celebrate Christmas then happy holidays! 

This year I was my sisters secret Santa. 

She thinks Santa is real now …

She looked so happy so I decided not to tell her anything and just go with it.

This was also the first time I participated in a gift exchange with my friends, and also had my first school dance (which turned out terrible).

I’m just going keep rambling now so if you’re not interest in my life then you can stop reading this XD.

Let’s start with the gift exchange with my friends. It was my first time so I didn’t know if the presents I was going to give them would be enough or not so I had a bunch of doubts here and there. In the end though, everything turned out great. I learned a valuable lesson that I already knew was true: it’s not about the presents you get, but about the thought that was given into the present while being bought. While my friends and I bought the presents for eachtoher, we were all thinking about one another and that alone is enough. 

If you wanted something more from someome but you didn’t get it, you should be thankful that the person acutally took out time in their life for you.

In other words, cry a river, build a bridge, and get over it.

Let’s talk about the “amazing” dance now! Tbh it was actually pretty fun. I got to spend time with my friends and we had a great time (plus free food😍). The thing I’m not happy about are my actions. So it started with a game of hide and seek…

Basically, one of the teachers was going to hide and whom ever found her got a free gift card! Sounds simple right? Well that’s what I thought at first… 

I sorta followed her and I was finally able to find her with my friend. When I found her she was trying to get behind this long peice of cardboard. I asked her if we had found her, just to make sure she wasn’t still hiding, and she told us that she was still hiding so me and my friend went back to the dance (which was in the gym btw). To get everyone sorta distracted from the hiding (at  least that’s what I thought) the people in charge of the dance decided to host a hula hoop competition. The winner, also got a free gift card. I participated in it once but then just gave up… While I was watching the remaining competitors, I decided to go look for the teacher again. First mistake. I was so caught up on finding the teacher that I didn’t notice I had knocked down one of the hula hoops of someone that was still competing. I was in shock. I felt so bad because I knew it was all my fault. I stood there for what seemed like a long time (time froze obviously), and my friends told me that I should apologize, which I did but not right away because I was still kind of in shock. (Um btw I’m trying to remember this best I can so some of this stuff might have been out of order…I’m sorry for my weak memory 😞) I don’t rember who it was but I think it was one of my friends who said I should find the teacher and give the the gift card I get to the person I knocked the hula hoop from. That turned out to be my mission for that day. I was determined to do it so I went to the cafeteria to find the teacher. I looked around the halls and the cafeteria for a while and I couldn’t find her anywhere! Now remember that cardboard box I said she was trying to get behind? I found the same cardboard box except this time it was folded into a rectangular box. It sorta looked like a podium. There was even a teacher standing next to the “podium” like he was gaurding it or something… HMMMM I WONDER WHATS INSIDE THAT “PODIUM”. But of course, I was being stupid and over thinking things. “It’s too obvious” I thought. “They are tricking us and making it look like there is someone in there.” I said. No. Just no. Stupidly, I ignored the box. (EVEN THOUGH ONE OF MY FRIENDS WAS TRYING TO TELL ME THAT SHE WAS IN THERE) But nope, I didn’t take my friends advice and I was off running across the school trying to  find the teacher. I swear I looked almost everywhere and still couldn’t find her. I was so busy running across the school that by the time I decided to give up, the hide and seek game was already over. I also found out she was in the box all along! Arg I was so mad at my self for over thinking things…

Now all I feel is embarrassment. I’m. So. Freaking. Embarrassed.

Sigh, there’s nothing I can do about it now…

Anyways, I hope everyone else is enjoying their Christmas with their family and friends. 

New Years is almost coming up and I feel like 2016 went by real fast. I need to start making New Years resolutions…

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! 


My Favorite Song .

This is a very special moment for me.

Never in my life have I EVER had a favorite song. It’s always been too hard to choose. I’m a complex person so it’s really hard for me to choose my favorite things because i just love…everything! xD 

This changed yesterday.

I have found my favorite song. 

I absolutely LOVE this song. Never really noticed how much until yesterday I guess. 😅


Also, I apologize for being inactive lately. I feel as if I have been lacking. Im going to work on it ^^

Anyways that is all 💜




I changed my mind I am never gonna have a favroite song. 



Ah well….


Improvement/New President

I feel so achieved! I did these all by myself:





I think…



I think…


Guess who won the Presidental Election?! 

No other than…

Donald Trump!


//that was a joke 

I’m ready for WW3 lez go!

Ok…yeah I’m being rude I am sorry.

To be honest I sorta wanted Trump to win. I don’t really like Hilary…

If Hilary had become the president then she would have taken away my dreams of becoming the first girl (lady?!) president! (Even though I can’t really run for president since I wasn’t born I the U.S.)

I thought Hilary was going to win for sure, but guess not.

Let’s see where America is headed now 😂.

Happy Halloween!

Today was…



It was 




It was eh.

Who am I kidding it was pretty crappy.


I had come up with THE MOST GENIOUS costume idea ever! Since I take TaeKwonDo, I could just wear my TaeKwonDo uniform. AHAHAHA IT WAS PERFECT!

After TaeKwonDo me and my sibling immediately went to go trick or treating (so we started at like 7)

I had planned to go trick or treating with my friend, let’s call her A. But… 

It didn’t exactly turn out right.

I went with my siblings and this other friend, let’s call her B. So me, B, and my siblings were going…ok hold up stop right there. AYE was the one who wanted to go to A’s house but B and my siblings weren’t in a hurry like me. We tried to go to as many houses as we could along the way, which took like 30 minutes. Between those 30 minutes my dad had freaking called me like 50 times. I swear we were out there for like 5 minutes and he called me saying “Are you done? Come back home already.”. 


You know what I get it ok, you have work dad. And I have school. (Y did Halloween have to be on a Monday @-@) BUUUUUTTT it’s only been like 5 minutes!!?! Gah and he does this like EVERY Halloween too. 

So I tried to be a good daughter and come home as told…

Well um er something like that…

We were really close to A’s house, and by then I had gotten 100 calls from both my dad and A. I FINNALY made it to her house. This is what happened:

We went trick or treating together for like 5 minutes and me and my sibling had to go home. And ONE MORE THING, my friend B, who’s like 3 years younger than me, took my friend A, whose my age. @-@ 

B: Since Pixey is going home, you can just come with me since I’m still going trick or treating.

A: And who are you?

Me: …wait wut…

And next thing you know B takes A from Me. @-@

okok she probably didn’t do it on purpose, or maybe she did who knows, but I was still frustrated. 

I hate being left out of things …


We got candy right? So that’s good. Ok time for the big one…

I think











Last year, and all the years before that, Halloween seemed to be like some kind of godly holiday of the candy and costumes to me.

But this year I think i…










When I was little I always used to tell my self to never mature and stay fun and immature (not even lying, I used to think you can only have fun if you weren’t mature)

But idk what happened to me.

My gwad what is this , what is life.

This year I guess I started to under stand people more. I’ve always understood people a lot more than others… Maybe never shown it before but I still knew… And when my dad called me for that last time , I knew I had to come home. (Even though we had only been out there for 45 minutes…) 

I understood he had work tommorow and we needed to get home (plus there’s this whole clown business going around…) And I’m proud of my self for returning home, I really am.

There are many people out there who didn’t get to go trick or treating for even got candy at all… And here I am whining about how I didn’t get enough time. I should be happy that I at least GOT candy.

Even so,  that  does NOT mean I’m not ANGRY ABOUT ALL OF THIS!! I’m FIRIOUS. (But that’s alright I’ve already cried 3 times tonight I’m ok now.) What bothers me the most is that this ALWAYS happens on halloween, either we don’t go at all, OR my dads always in a hurry. It’s ok now I guess I’m used to it…

I just wish I could have been out for longer… 



I’m happy with the candy I got.


(I know it looks like at lot but it really isn’t)


HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Hope yours was better than mine …

Starting a YouTube Channel!

Yup. You read the title (hopefully). 

I’m starting a YouTube Channel!

//I’m really stupid. I can’t even keep up with my blog and now I wanna start a YouTube Channel? Way to go Pixey.

(Link to my first and only video so far: https://youtu.be/7CRVmS-OkYk )

So far, I only have my introduction video. @-@ I’m so blank about what I should do next. 

Any ideas? 



I don’t know if I spelled any of that right. 


Que the music!

Today I, Pixey, have been crowned the ultimate Slither.io master. (Idk if it’s too little to see the score @-@. I’m sorry if you can’t see it.)

I have made the grand score of 69,000+, and I am awesome. 

My Speech:

“Thank you thank you! First of all, I would like to thank three special people in my life.



And of course, I.

Thank you all for being so awesome and helping me kil- I mean uh…rescue…all the innocent snakes and bringing them into…heaven?”

TuT but seriously though I’m so proud of myself.

Happy Birthday To Me! 



Just kidding!


So today’s my birthday! September 23rd :3 (Woot woot ) 

(And its almost over)

Birthdays aren’t just any ordinary day. They mark the beginning of your life, so I guess you could say that birthdays are like landmarks. They evoke your younger memories and happy moments in life. They’re attached to your emotions such as love, gratitude, respect, admiration, pride and honor. (Totally didn’t summarize that from a website or anything ;3)

The point is, your birthday is a sepeical day. It’s a day to remember who you are, weither it’s a hooman or a fairy, it’s something you shouldn’t think negatively about. Most importantly, it’s not the gifts that matter, (it’s how much of the cake you get that really matters obviously) it’s about the special memories of life. They say that your age is the only thing that is always getting older and never getting younger, which is true, but, I believe that while your physical structure is getting older, your soul isn’t getting “old”er, but wiser. Don’t think of it as a year closer to dying, think of it as a year making you awesomer than the previous.



I never get much for my birthday, I never ask for much either. I’ve never had big birthdays just small ones with my family and people who LIVE close to me. I also don’t have many friends so I guess im fine with that heh.

What I wanted for my birthday was two things:

1) FOOOD. Yes FOOOOOOD. Food is amazing, food is life, food is litterary the best thing in the world. To be specific, JUNKFOOD. Yea yeah, I know it’s not healthy. But it’s cheap isn’t it? All you’d have to do was give me a bag of chips and you’d become my new best friend lol.

2) A new pair of headphone (preferably purple ones). Ahh I love listening to music and was in need of a new pair of headphones sooo….


I got almost exactly what I wanted for my birthday! At school all of my friends worked together and made me a suprise birthday card! I was…not suprised…but I was still thankful to them for making me a card. (Me: Hmm y they so suspicious… Oh their probably making me a birthday card haha. I’ll just play along.) During lunch was when they gave me the card and started singing happy birthday. (OTHER PEOPLE WERE JOINING IN AND IT WAS SO EMBARSSING, GOD HOW I WISHED I COULD DISSAPEAR RIGHT THEN) But I didn’t say I DIDN’T enjoy it. Deep down inside I loved it! It was acutally nice to see that there are people in my life who care about me ( I felt like crying ). Each of my friends gave me a present and it was almost all food!

Here’s what I got:




YES I GOT HOT CHEETOS, ONE OF MY TOP 5 FAVROITE CHIPS (and no I don’t have an actual list).

3. I got a bag of lays, but ate them before I could take a picture heh (Oops).

4. I got a type of Soda (I don’t remember which type, but it was really good! I also drank it before I took a picture heh. (Oops again).


I GOT UHH THAT! I’m not really a fashionable type so I don’t know what to call them, I’ve seen many people wear them at shool though. I love the bright colors they were so pretty! 

6. I GOT PIZZA! Ah my FAVROITE food yum. 

7. A birthday card (which I’ve already mentioned). I don’t known if you would count this as a present but it counts for me! 

(Sorry I had to cut out my real name)

If your wondering why I had to cross off one of the names, I signed my own card (ha ha laugh all you want). Did anyone notice “I’m going to steal your lunch”? XD

Not gonna tell anyone on here my age (you can find out on the about me page :3) (Nvm I forgot I deleted that hahah)

8. And a Cake! Well I guess everyone gets cakes on their birthday right? (And if you don’t, you can have my cyber cake: 🎂. God bless you child :,) ) Anyways, the cake tasted faboulous! I wish it was bigger though, but then again there weren’t much people who were gonna eat it. (My dad and grandparents barley eat stuff like cake, so it was enough for my mom, siblings, and two of my friends)

Annnnddddd yeah that’s basically all I got for my birthday!

The only thing I didn’t get that was on my list was headphones. But you know what, I’m happy with the things I got. I am so thankful to have a nice group of friends (for once) and GAHHH I love them so much. (Uh not in the creepy way though).

After school, I went to TaeKwonDo with my siblings and a friend. TaeKwonDo was great! Ok ok you guys are totally wondering why I am talking about TaeKwonDo all of a sudden (not). So my master, let’s calling him uhhhhh J, today I found out that Mater J’s sons birthday was on the same day as mine! I was like: WHHAAAAAAAAA ;0;


So I guess today was an amazing day! Ima end this post here before it gets any longer …


 OH, one random thing, HAPPY BISEXUALITY DAY!

Anyways, happy birthday me! (Ima loner pls send halp)


I feel really bad saying this…

So um this is a tag (i think) and I think I was tagged? I don’t know who I was tagged by… I don’t remember if I just decided to do this for fun… So this was just  sitting on my “draft” section since September 7th and when I looked at it, it had been done already… I don’t know why I didn’t publish it sooner… I don’t know why I forgot to write the person who tagged me… But I do know that I’m the worst person ever for doing that. I don’t know if the person who tagged me will forgive I mean I hope it’s not that big of a deal (even though I make it sound like it is ), but I want to apologize for that and want you to know that I’m sorry (I don’t know if that person will ever read this tho lol).

Anyways, lez get this thing started!


1. Did you wake up cranky? – 

Nope. I woke up still half asleep XD.
2. Would you date an 18-year-old at your current age? – 

Hmmm. Uh…. Maybe? It depends …..

3. Do you prefer to be friends with girls or boys? – 

I prefer to be friends with girls more than boys because I’m more comfortable near girls. With boys I feel uh, more awkward with I guess.

4. Would you ever smile at a stranger? – 

Yash but then it always feels weird in the end.


“Ah she’s nice.”

//person smiles back

//we head our separate ways

Me: “I feel awkward now @-@”

I know it’s a good thing to do so, so that’s good :3.

5. Can you commit to one person? – 

Yesh but it sort of depends on the person.

6. How do you look right now? – 

Terrible as always :3.

7. What exactly are you wearing right now? – 

I’m wearing my sleep wear :3.

8. How often do you listen to music? – 

Every single day. So I guess very very often.

9. Do you wear jeans or sweats more? – 

Uhhhhh jeans? Yeah jeans xD. 

10. Do you think you’r life will change dramatically before 2017? – 

I wish. It better be something good though, I don’t want a terrible dramatic life change @-@.

11. Are you a social or an antisocial person? – 

Both. Im social (im annoying af) once you get to know me, but otherwise I’m really really shy.

12. If the person you like said they liked someone else, what would you say?-

I would be crying on the inside, but on the out side I would say something like “oh” or “oooohhh”. 

13. Are you good at hiding your feelings? –

I’m the master at this. A true master.

14. Can you drive a stick shift? – 


15. Do you care if people talk badly about you? – 

Yes I do. I’m a sensitive person and it hurts my feelings 😞.

16. Are you going out of town soon? – 

Nope not in a couple hundred years lol.

17. When was the last time you cried? – 

Yesterday while watching a kdrama T.T.

18. Have you ever liked someone you didnt expect to? – 


19. If you could change your eyecolor, would you? – 

I really want my eyes to be purple! 

20. Name something you have to do tomorrow? – 



And that was it! 

Again, I’m sorry I forgot who tagged me and I hope that person forgives me for my rudeness :<

Hope you guys liked the tag tho!

That’s all I have for right now,
